21 Romanesco Recipes Will Inspire Your Inner Foodie!

Romanesco Recipes

Today, I have something special for all you veggie lovers. Do you know there are many edible flowers you can use for some unique dishes? Romanesco is exactly such a flower bud!

Romanesco admittedly looks unusual, but once you bite into it, you’ll forget about how it looks and just marvel at the taste!

You need the right ingredients and the best Romanesco recipes to make something everyone can enjoy; even people who don’t like veggies make an exception for this specialty vegetable.

The best foods are always those that are delicious and healthy, right? Well, Romanesco is both! It’s filled with Vitamin C and other nutrients the body needs. The plant is also called Romanesco cauliflower, Romanesco broccoli, or Roman cauliflower. If you see these names, they’re all the same food.

I’ll mention that many of these recipes require roasting, so you can’t skimp on doing that. That said, twenty-one easy and fantastic Romanesco recipes are written below for your reading and tasting pleasure!

1. Romanesco Salad

You can’t do better than this if you want a salad filled with flavors! It combines dressing, greens, and roasted Romanesco florets to give you a crispy meal complemented by zesty dressing. I love this contrast, and so will you.

A Romanesco salad is perfect as a side dish for any meal you want, but you can also serve it for lunch. Have a bottle of lemon or orange juice near, too, because it will add to the taste!

2. Nutty Roasted Romanesco Curry

Here’s another recipe that’s sure to impress you with exotic flavors! A nutty roasted Romanesco curry is a dish that never fails to impress.

You make it by roasting the tender Romanesco florets until they’re soft yet crunchy enough, then pour some thick and creamy sauce made even better by aromatic spices!

I love this dish because while the curry is satisfying, the crunchy nuts add a smoky depth and a unique taste to the meal that few other recipes can match!

3. Garlic and Lemon Roasted Romanesco Cauliflower

For all those who want a zesty twist to a dish, line up here! The garlic and lemon roasted Romanesco cauliflower is made to elevate any meal it’s served with.

Like the first two recipes I discussed, you’ll also need to roast the Romanesco cauliflower until it assumes a golden-brown color; try not to go beyond this because it will ruin the taste.

Ensure you add garlic for flavor; you can also squeeze fresh lemon over it for a tangy taste. And that’s pretty much all you need to do to make this meal!

4. Roasted Romanesco with Honey-Sriracha Glaze


What do you get when you mix something sweet with something spicy? You get this sugary and fiery Romanesco dish!

A roasted Romanesco with honey-sriracha glaze is a meal never ceases to amaze me. There are several reasons for this, but perhaps mainly because of the honey-sriracha and how it feels on the tongue!

The first thing you need to do is roast the Romanesco florets. Please do this for a while until they become caramelized. Next, which is my favorite part, coat it with the honey-sriracha sauce!

The whole point of doing this is you get the sweetness of honey merged with spicy sriracha – a treat for the tongue!

5. Bowties with Romanesco


I’m going to try something different now. This is going to be the first pasta dish on today’s menu! This delicious bowtie dish with tender pasta smothered in a richly seasoned sauce surrounding sautéed Romanesco florets is great for having several people over.

Your guests will love the texture and unique flavor of the Romanesco. Couple that with the sauce marinating the bowties, and you have a truly delightful delicacy to serve. I like it more than most other meals because it is easy and takes little time.

6. Romanesco Soup with Za’atar Granola

Care for something a little warm? A single bite of this will fill you with warmth both inside and out! Relish every spoonful of a bowl of creamy smooth Romanesco soup garnished with crunchy za’atar granola on top.

This is always my go-to meal to satisfy my cravings for hearty comfort food that also provides sensational zest. And it has earthy tastes brought out by the carefully selected spices present within granola sprinkles.

This Romanesco soup with za’atar granola is a delightful treat to satisfy you and help you relax.

7. Romanesco Green Curry

Treat yourself to a bowl of one of my favorite delicacies, the aromatic and colorful Romanesco green curry!

To make this dish, cook the florets of Romanesco in a fragrant green curry sauce packed with exotic herbs and spices. It’s as simple as that!

Do you know another reason this meal stands out? Combining creamy coconut milk with tangy lime juice gives you a balanced, flavorful, and refreshing dish.

I like to label this Romanesco recipe an “explosion of flavors that will take you on a culinary journey!” And I’m not exaggerating when I say that.

8. Romanesco Nuggets with BBQ Dipping Sauce

Who’s ready for a fun and mouthwatering snack? I can’t recommend something better than the crispy Romanesco nuggets with BBQ dipping sauce!

Making them is as easy as coating the florets in crunchy breadcrumb crust and baking them to perfection for that extra crunch. Just make sure you serve them with delicious tangy BBQ dipping sauce!

These nuggets make for perfect party appetizers or an excellent addition to any meal. But contrary to what they’re called, you don’t need to host a barbecue to enjoy them. It’s a meal you can serve with practically anything!

9. Roasted Romanesco Arugula Pasta

Up next is the second pasta dish on today’s list. Savor the delightful harmony of flavors in roasted Romanesco arugula pasta.

Here’s a dish that looks as good as it tastes. I say this because the roasted Romanesco adds a light smoky color that makes you curious to try the meal. There’s also the spicy arugula that adds freshness and vibrancy to the pasta dish.

Toss this meal with al dente pasta and light dressing, and the result will be a simple yet satisfying meal that I wager will have you coming back for more!

10. Roasted Romanesco Steaks

Indulge in a culinary adventure with roasted Romanesco steaks tonight! Thick slices of this exotic vegetable are carefully cooked until tender and perfectly caramelized for an unforgettable dining experience right at home.

This is also the perfect veggie steak option for vegetarians, delivering unparalleled flavor. I recommend you serve this Romanesco meal for dinner because of two main reasons.

The first reason is that it’s delicious, obviously. The second reason is that it will make for a lovely presentation because it’s a feast for the eyes as much as it is for the tongue!

11. Roasted Romanesco with Za’atar Yogurt Sauce

For recipe number eleven, I present a Romanesco dish that will take you on a Mediterranean adventure. It’s called roasted Romanesco with za’atar yogurt sauce, and even thinking about it excites me!

The way this meal is prepared entails an emphasis on enhancing Romanesco’s natural flavors. You do this by roasting Romanesco florets for an exotic taste experience.

Of course, I can’t forget to mention the sweet and creamy za’atar yogurt sauce! It’s the key to the balance between tanginess and creaminess.

Try this recipe; the result will be a perfect blend of texture and taste. Take my word for it, and you won’t regret it!

12. Pan-Roasted Romanesco with Hazelnuts and Crispy Bits

Here’s a meal that’s both fun to prepare and consume! This favorite dish prepares you for a delightful blend of flavors and textures. Are you ready to try making it?

First, get your trusty pan and pan-roast the Romanesco with crunchy hazelnuts until you see that tantalizing and rich golden color. Your goal here is to make sure it’s tender on the inside and crispy outside.

The last thing you need to do is sprinkle some herbs to add color and make the meal fresher. So, this is another recipe that gives you a meal that’s delicious and visually appealing.

13. Roasted Romanesco with Creamy Meyer Lemon and Sunflower Seed Dressing


I’ve been eager to talk to you about this recipe! It takes roasted Romanesco to new heights by pairing it with citrus notes from succulent Meyer lemons and sunflower seeds!

When you’re roasting the Romanesco, you’ll see a gorgeous, caramelized exterior, and that’s when you know it’s done.

Regarding the dressing, you make it with zest, Meyer lemon juice, and sunflower seeds. This adds richness to the dish and makes each bite an enjoyable experience.

14. Strozzapreti with Romanesco Cauliflower, Green Olives, and Capers

Do you have your Romanesco cauliflower ready? Good. How about your green olives and capers? Do you have them? Perfect. Okay, now we get to cooking!

First, you take the Romanesco cauliflower and cook it well. Then toss it with some capers and green olives, but not too much (to give a salty flavor).

Once you’re done with that, in comes the strozzapreti pasta! This pasta is one of the things that makes this vibrant meal special. I say this because the firm texture and twisted shape perfectly carry the sauce, so expect multiple flavors with each bite.

So, all these ingredients come together to form a perfect taste that’s nothing short of amazing. Oh, and before I forget, sprinkle some grated Parmesan cheese and virgin olive oil to enrich and elevate this brilliant culinary experience!

15. Spicy Roasted Romanesco with Lemon and Capers

Here’s something to spice up your dinner table! Satisfy your palate with this scrumptious recipe which artfully integrates caramelized and smoky flavors through roasted Romanesco!

You’ll cook the Romanesco until they change to a rich, brownish-gold color. Then add some pepper flakes, capers, and lemon for that tangy kick that makes the meal come alive in your mouth!

I like serving this as a side dish, but it also fairs perfectly as a main course. Serve it with some slices of crusty bread to soak all those sweet and flavorful juices!

16. Roasted Romanesco with Turmeric Tahini Sauce

An elegant combination of distinct flavors awaits you in this recipe. It mixes roasted Romanesco with creamy tahini sauce brightened by yellow turmeric hues!

Roast the Romanesco to perfection; each floret will be tender, the caramelized exterior giving off its natural sweetness.

Finally, crown this indulgent combination with a subtle, spicy yet velvety, textured tahini sauce. You’ll get a lovely blend of ingredients to please your taste buds!

17. Pasta with Romanesco and Lentil Meatballs

Here’s another wholesome dish you can try! This recipe seamlessly merges tender Romanesco florets with nutrient lentil meatballs full of nutrients for an incredibly delectable and healthy meal.

How do you make it? Cook Romanesco to maximize its flavor profile, i.e., when it’s tender. Then toss the Romanesco with al dente pasta for that texture contrast that, by now, you already know makes a dish that much better!

The ingredients you need to make the lentil meatballs are cooked lentils, herbs, breadcrumbs, and spices. Mix these ingredients and bake them until they turn into meaty goodness!

These simple lentil meatballs contain all the essential proteins needed for a taste and energy balance in one serving!

18. Broccoli Romanesco with Green Herb Sauce

I’ve been talking about spicy and sweet sauces all this time, but now, I’ll show you how mixing a herbaceous sauce with Romanesco can do wonders too!

First, steam your Romanesco until it’s tantalizingly tender while retaining all its inherent goodness.

Prepare a green sauce using freshly chopped parsley, chives, and basil. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy; if it’s tasty, it will do.

Let me point out that this green sauce adds a burst of freshness and tanginess that go so well with Romanesco. Drizzle the herbaceous sauce over the florets and dig into your nutritious delicacy. You’re welcome!

19. Romanesco Broccoli Soup with Blue Cheese and Chives

If you’re craving something scrumptious yet soothing at the same time, this comforting soup is just what the doctor ordered!

The soup takes Romanesco and pairs it with blue cheese to give you a soup warmth and goodness that will course through your entire body with every spoonful!

It’s easy and quick to make, too. Just simmer the Romanesco until it becomes tender. Then puree it until you get a smooth base. Next, crumble, add your blue cheese, and watch it melt into the soup to add flavor (try not to grab it and start slurping it because it’s not ready yet!)

For the last step, add a dash of chives as a garnish to a bowl. This adds to the appearance and freshness of the dish. Enjoy it as a delicious appetizer or as a main course – either way, you can’t go wrong with any choice you make!

20. Romanesco Cauliflower Pasta with Olives, Pesto, and Parsley

The pleasant meal nicely pairs Romanesco florets with the bold yet tangy profile of olives, vibrant pesto, and fresh parsley!

Cook the Romanesco until it’s tender enough, then toss it with al dente pasta to achieve that contrast we both love so much!

The main reason olives should be in there is to add to the saltiness; the pesto sauce enriches the dish and makes it aromatic. Fresh parsley adds colors as well as enhances texture quality.

I often eat this as a meal, but pairing it with another delicacy is perfectly fine. The choice is yours!

21. Roasted Romanesco with Parmesan Panko

We’re at the last recipe, and it’s been an amazing, delectable journey thus far! For today’s final recipe, I want to mention a recipe that will give you an unforgettable culinary experience!

Romesco is one of nature’s most captivating ingredients, and this recipe effortlessly brings out every bit of its natural beauty and exquisite taste.

All you do is roast Romanesco florets until they’re tender and perfect. Do you see their caramelized exterior? Next, sprinkle the Parmesan panko mixture over that lovely exterior for that satisfying crunch when you’re eating!

All in all, when all these ingredients are blended, I’m confident the result will be a delicious and unparalleled culinary experience that will leave you craving more!

romanesco quinoa salad

Romanesco Quinoa Salad

I know I said the previous recipe was the final one, but I forgot to mention that it’s easily my favorite on this list! So, let’s do that now, shall we? It’s called a Romanesco quinoa salad and is a heavenly treat for all you vegans and foodies!
While this meal combines nutty quinoa with crisp Romanesco florets, you don’t roast the latter. Instead, steam the Romanesco lightly to ensure it’s crunchy while retaining its green color.
For the next steps, toss it with quinoa, cucumber, red onions, and sweet cherry tomatoes for a fresh salad with a tangy taste.
You can also add olive oil and dress with lemon juice, pepper, and salt, to add to the taste. But don’t overdo it because you don’t want something too strong to overpower the other ingredients of the salad.
What you’ll have once you do all this will be a wholesome salad that’s great for when you crave a light meal or need something to serve as a side dish!
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Course Side Dish
Servings 4 people
Calories 301 kcal


  • Whisk or fork
  • Cutting board
  • Knife
  • Strainer
  • Mixing bowl
  • Large salad bowl or serving platter
  • Large pot


  • 2 tbsp of olive oil.
  • 1 head of Romanesco cauliflower.
  • the juice of 1 lemon.
  • ¼ cup of fresh mint leaves, chopped.
  • 1 cup of quinoa.
  • ¼ cup of red onion, finely chopped.
  • salt and pepper to taste.
  • 1 red bell pepper that’s diced.
  • 1 cucumber that’s diced.
  • ¼ cup of fresh parsley that’s chopped.


  • First, put 2 cups of water into a boiling pot, add the quinoa, and let it simmer for 15 to 20 minutes, then let it cool.
  • Again, boil salted water, cut the Romanesco into florets, and blanch them in the water for 3 minutes.
  • Whisk the olive oil, pepper, salt, and lemon juice to make the dressing,
  • Mix the cooked quinoa with chopped parsley, red onion, mint leaves, diced cucumber, red bell pepper, and red onions. Pour the dressing you made over this salad, then toss.
  • Lastly, taste to see if the pepper and salt are enough or more needed, then serve and enjoy yourself!


Nutrition Info (this is per serving):
Fat: 9g | Carbohydrates: 48g | Protein: 10g
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